Thursday, February 28, 2013


Slim and George sat down at the bar. Slim put a hand on George’s shoulder and stated, “Like I said, George, sometimes a guy’s gotta do what a guys gotta do.”
     “I knew it was bound to happen,” George said sullenly, “I just didn’t think I would have to shoot ‘em.”
     Slim took a drink out of his glass and looked at George, “Well it was only a matter of time before he did somethin’.”
     “I’ve lost my best frien’ because he had to go and do somethin’ so god damn stupid!” George exclaimed.
     “But just think! You are as brave as a lion for doing that!” Slim said reassuringly.
     George got another drink and while looking at it reminiscing, “I remember Lennie when he met Curley and he threatened him, Lennie had said “I’m scared out of my wits!””
     Just then one of the other men in the bar came up to George and shoved him over.
     “Hey buddy, you got a problem?”
     “I- I-I-”
     “Oh, what’s wrong, cat’s got your tongue?”
     The stranger exclaimed frightened, “No-o, I’m sorry”
    “There better not be!” Shouted Slim, as the man scurried away cowardly.
     George watched the man walk away as he stated, “Well that lasted an eternity it seems.”  
     “Just think about it,” Slim says feeling thoughtful, “all is fair in love and war.”
     “I ‘spose it could be worse.” George states, thinking about it clearer.
     Slim looked at George at states, “Well you live and learn but we better get back to the ranch.”
     “Yeah I guess I better go tell the boss what happened and he will probly fir’ me.”
    “Well break a leg George, break a leg.”
     “I’ll try not to Slim.” George replied puzzled.
     Slim looked at him and laughed, “I didn’t mean it literally!”

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