Thursday, May 23, 2013

Technology Overthrow

        Electronics are taking over the world. Students use them everywhere they go. Teachers don't appreciate it when kids text someone in another class while they are being taught. Using cell phones are fun! You can google any answer that you need at anytime and you can even correct the teacher and have them get mad. Why wouldn't you want to be able to text your friends at anytime? I mean come on, we need to know what's going on at all times of the day.

       Texting between classes makes everyone come closer together as we bump into each other and almost fall down the stairs and make a miniature bowling alley out of it. And we love the food stains we get when we text and eat. The awesome smears of chocolate and pastry on it. When kids hang out with friends at lunch they couldn't possibly talk to each other at the same table in person, so they text and ask to pass something or to tell someone something they don't want to say straight to their face.

      Listening to music in class when your teacher is talking. And ask to listen when there is a test taking place. What do you mean I might have all the answers on my ipod/phone so I can't listen to it? That's just silly, I'm not that smart! My phone does all my work for me! Taking a phone away from a student in class and watching their face as they feel as if they are a crack addict and just had their drug taken away. Rocking back and forth in their seat as they anxiously wait for it to return to their hands. Their thumbs keep twitching, trying to text the air.

     You can talk to people you never would have talked to before. Talking to them over text about anything but you don't talk to them in person because you aren't capable of having a proper conversation without having a phone in front of your face. Even some teachers that have cell phones use them during class or even the substitutes that are brought in. I don't need to teach this class anymore, I'll just use my phone and ignore them when they need help. Students have learned to cope with using their cell phones during class. It is such a hard task to hide them from the teachers and almost getting caught causing an adrenaline rush. Just an incredible experience that we get to go through EVERY day.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Every little girl grows up wanting what society calls her “Prince Charming.” That is what she grows up expecting to get, no one speaks of the expectations. In the short poem ‘Puce Fairy Book” she describes her opinion on how men have high expectations for women. June Callwood writes an article called “Forget Prince Charming” expressing her thoughts to her granddaughters about “Prince Charming.”

‘Puce Fairy Book’ is Alice Major’s way of expressing how there is such high expectations for relationships if there is “no rings on her fingers” and “braids of hair like rope” and of course the classic “crystal slipper.” Major feels insecurity because “[her] hair would never grow long enough.” She wants to find her version of a Prince but it appears to be more difficult than she expected. Major's opinion is that no prince charming truly exists, we just settle with what we think we want and stick with it.

June Callwood expresses her point of view in "Forget Prince Charming" to her granddaughters who are of marriageable age. She tells them, " they cannot expect perfection" because " no human relationship is friction-free." She feels as though "Prince Charming... is a frequently narcissistic dope." Callwood's impression of Prince Charming is made very clear in this article.

These two different pieces of work describing Prince Charming are very similar to each other. Alice Major would most likely agree with what June Callwood has told her granddaughters for advice. Major would think that the words exchanged would express everything perfectly and would give similar advice to others. These two women would get along well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Day I Went Sour

When the sun rises in the morning, it seems all pure and innocent. Until it blinds you and you can't see straight. Wafting the scent of the lemon juice, attacking my nostrils like a million bugs crawling into your nasal cavity. Next step was taking a sip, as it reached my lips, I could already feel the burning sensation as it travelled into my mouth.
The pungent bitter taste hits my tongue like the war of 1812. Swirling the concoction around, my mouth is burning as if a dragon was living inside of it. Just waiting to breathe its fiery flame. The bitter sauce rolling around the sides of my cheeks similar to a race track. Looking into my Dixie cup, I still have a little bit left. The foggy, pale yellow fluid just sitting there, waiting to be absorbed. When it sloshes about in my oral cavity it is the similar sound to using mouth wash.  
Realizing the little amount I have, I ask myself, “Do I want to go through that again?” Being the courageous person I am, I once again take the plunge and that is when the dragon acts up again. And I think to myself, “I have officially regretted doing this.” 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Electronic Extravaganza

         When I woke up in the morning, I discovered my cat was sitting on my head, meowing at me. I dragged my butt out of bed to feed it and remembered from the stench in the bathroom that I had to clean the litter box. I grabbed what I thought was just an ordinary paper but then looking at it, I noticed a big sale for electronics in The Source. I decided, "Hey! Let's go to the mall!"
          I wandered into the store, discovering all the options when all of a sudden I felt as if I was being watched. I glanced into the mall and noticed a tall, slender girl with glasses staring into the store at me. My first thought was, "Damn! I must be looking good today."
          I continued on with my shopping and even though I was in there for quite awhile, the girl was still looking at me. After I made my purchase, I wandered back into the mall and I saw across the way a mirror.
          Looking at myself I realized, "No wonder she's looking at me. I'm 6'1, wearing my best blue muscle shirt and my Calvin Klein jeans which made my buff body look amazing. My hair was perfect and I was clean shaven with my baseball cap on backwards. The way I know the ladies like it."
         With my mood being extravagant, I checked out some other stores to see what they had to offer, and still every time I came back out she was there, the mystery girl was watching me. I tried to dismiss it by thinking about my plans to head to the beach later on, but I just couldn't distract myself enough. So I headed out to my car and was disappointed when she went the opposite direction.
        We locked eyes, but never said a word. As I drove home I thought about the mystery girl, realizing that I would never see her again. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Being an intelligent student, I am known from teaching Einstein all of his math skills which he however rudely stole from me. My exquisite artwork is very very famous for all of my crayon drawings, which are used for the creation of racecars.
My experience with flying F18 Jet fighters in combat is from none other then Disneyland.

I am a clothing designer who helped Calvin Klein start off his line, if he had listened to more of my ideas, he would have been famous for more than just jeans. I am an Olympic athlete, winning 6 gold medals for diving even though I can't swim. Growing vegetables has a special place in my heart.

It was an amazing experience being able to meet Gandhi, Oprah, and Hitler. I tried convincing him out of the war but clearly he did not want to listen to me. By day I am a student but by night, I am a ninja with the highest level of training possible. Secretly I'm spiderman's cousin.
Being an avid climber, I have climbed Mount Everest about 15 times. And I'm still alive!
The flag on top is mine.

I gave the Wright brothers their ideas to build planes to get copyrights but they did not give me any royalties. I can count to tulip. I gave DaVinci his first painting set. The Mona Lisa? Yeah, that was inspired by me. Blue is pretty. I gave Warner Brothers their movie making rights.

Once winter comes along I get all my snowboarding fun in. My videogames are perfect for it! On the weekends, going to homeless shelters and looking at stray armadillos is what my life is all about. Petting their spiny backs and feeling all the ridges just makes me happy.

One secret that no one knows, it's hard for me to say... I am the seventh avenger. My creative mind is so impeccable that the sayings that Hallmark uses, came from my own brain. Steven Harper hired me to write his speech for when he got elected.
Pancakes taste good.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Slim and George sat down at the bar. Slim put a hand on George’s shoulder and stated, “Like I said, George, sometimes a guy’s gotta do what a guys gotta do.”
     “I knew it was bound to happen,” George said sullenly, “I just didn’t think I would have to shoot ‘em.”
     Slim took a drink out of his glass and looked at George, “Well it was only a matter of time before he did somethin’.”
     “I’ve lost my best frien’ because he had to go and do somethin’ so god damn stupid!” George exclaimed.
     “But just think! You are as brave as a lion for doing that!” Slim said reassuringly.
     George got another drink and while looking at it reminiscing, “I remember Lennie when he met Curley and he threatened him, Lennie had said “I’m scared out of my wits!””
     Just then one of the other men in the bar came up to George and shoved him over.
     “Hey buddy, you got a problem?”
     “I- I-I-”
     “Oh, what’s wrong, cat’s got your tongue?”
     The stranger exclaimed frightened, “No-o, I’m sorry”
    “There better not be!” Shouted Slim, as the man scurried away cowardly.
     George watched the man walk away as he stated, “Well that lasted an eternity it seems.”  
     “Just think about it,” Slim says feeling thoughtful, “all is fair in love and war.”
     “I ‘spose it could be worse.” George states, thinking about it clearer.
     Slim looked at George at states, “Well you live and learn but we better get back to the ranch.”
     “Yeah I guess I better go tell the boss what happened and he will probly fir’ me.”
    “Well break a leg George, break a leg.”
     “I’ll try not to Slim.” George replied puzzled.
     Slim looked at him and laughed, “I didn’t mean it literally!”

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Life After High School

Building up to the final year of high school, we go through 12 years of schooling. Subsequently we learn valuable skills that we will need in the future for having a job and having a family. Students finally reach that “heavenly” grade, where they think that everything will be the easiest and most extravagant year. But one thing none of us think about is what are we going to do with our lives? Yes, we can go to College or University and get certificates and degrees, but in certain cases, these people have difficult times finding jobs in the career that they are wanting. Adults tell us that high school prepares us for the real world, but does it really? That moment when the student walks across the stage, having all eyes on them, getting their diploma, then that moment is all of a sudden over. We are pushed into the real world having to figure out the struggles of life on our own. We are taught certain subjects in school that we will never need in our everyday lives. Once we exit the world of school and start the world of reality, we have to find our own places to live, getting a job, paying bills, and trying to keep ourselves healthy. Grade 12 is the year that a lot of kids never want to leave because then they are done. Sometimes for good. This grade is the one year when students find out who their real true friends are. It’s filled with exciting activities including graduation and prom, both of which can be expensive. There are some students that don’t excel as much as they could, whereas in life they can be the ones who end up with the most amazing life and the students that have the best grades in school can turn into the people that struggle at everyday life. We no longer have our parents there reminding us to do our chores and getting us out of the house. We end up all on our own, with our parents helping us when needed. Learning to provide for yourself can be taught in high school, if you are in the right classes. If a person takes Foods, they can learn to cook for themselves. There are classes to take for managing your money. High school does prepare you fairly well for life after graduation. Grade 12 is most definitely the expensive year, but in the end it’s all worth it.